When we explore different products for our house or another living or working area we think of efficiency.
A curtain on a window is good for some dark mode and privacy, a table map is good to keep the table clean and the walls of the Sukkah are here to provide us a protective shelter on the holiday of Sukkot.
Nevertheless, when we like the design and the looks of our surrounding, for example our house or our office, we realize there's more to it than only utility.
We can feel the influence of design especially in our Sukkah, since we are obliged to decorate it and therefore to look for designed decorations that will suit our taste and personality.
When we witness a beautiful design, we may feel better, more energized and even more productive and joyful on completing our daily to-do lists
What is design?
Everything we see, smell, taste and touch- is design.
Our food is designed in a way that it's not only tasty to our mouth but also to our eyes.
Do you remember that restaurant with that special dish that was absolutely gorges?
Did you buy recently a beautiful cake not only because it was made of chocolate but also because it had an amazingly designed sculpture on the top?
Our favorite restaurants, malls and even friends' houses are the ones with the most special decorations, posters, pictures and colorful or uniquely designed walls.
Social media is full with home stylists, style influencers and designers that advertise tempting home decorations, sell their own designs and make us somewhat jealous of their luxurious home décor.
Design is everywhere, whether we realize it or we don't. The shoes we wear, the sheets on our beds. Our phone's android system, our computer or TV screen and their shapes and so on and on. Hidden or well showed, it's always there.
The magic of design
Design is an expression. Expression of ourselves. We express ourselves with words, with music, dance and even laughter. Have you realized that every person has a different laughter? We all strive to express our individuality in different ways.
When you choose a blue vase instead of the pink one, when you choose an Italian sofa for your living room instead of a Swiss one and when you choose your favorite poster to your Sukkah on Sukkot among all the options.
The same way that wearing elegant clothes makes us feel differently than wearing sweat pants and getting all dressed up during Corona quarantine instead of spending our entire day in our pajamas makes us come alive, so is choosing a design we love for our home and finding nice decorations for our office.
When we leave the comforts of our home to spend seven days in a Sukkah during Sukkot, we can express ourselves there too.
How to choose the right design?
Well, first of all choose what makes you feel happy. Choose something that really upgrades your place whether it’s a Sukkah or a house.
Ben Ari Art Gallery offers a large variety of Sukkah designs and decorations and all you have to do is to choose.
How would you feel if your entire wall in your Sukkah would give you an illusion of an amazing landscape that provides a sensation of an incredible view and space?
Or would you rather wake up every morning in your Sukkah to a gorges and a colorful poster of Israeli holidays?
It's really up to you. Design is about personal choice, it should reflect your taste and needs and
Ben Ari Art Gallery is constantly working on making unique Wall Decorations and Sukkah Designs to provide you verity of options to choose from. Designs full of colors, symbols from the Jewish tradition and educational content. Designs that will bring joy to your home or your sukkah.
When we are going for vacation, we tend to take everything that is important for us to feel home, to feel that this place where we stay expresses and matches who we are. That's why we pick carefully the hotel we stay in, we take either our finest clothes or the comfiest ones, depends on the vacation and we fill our bags with stuff that are supposed to increase our fun and enjoyment during the trip.
So, when we go for a mini- vacation to our Sukkah on Sukkot why should it be different?